My body is my degree
A film by Sophie Bruneau and Marc-Antoine Roudil
Fatima Elayoubi (Madame Khöl) has been undergoing therapy since January 2000. Before then, she used to work as a cleaning lady for five different employers until the day she fell down the stairs.
Fatima Elayoubi wrote a book about her experience called "Prière à la Lune" (Prayer to the moon) - Editions Bachari, 2006.
2005 / 18' / Digi Beta / Color / Dolby SRD
Photography : Antoine-Marie Meert
Sound : Marc-Antoine Roudil
Editing : Phlippe Boucq
Sound editing : Etienne Curchod
Mixing : Philippe Baudhuin
An Alter Ego Films production in co-production with L'atelier de Production du Gsara